Personal Finance Musing 12: Understand Assets and Liabilities

SEVEN WEEKS FOR THE BOOK LAUNCH “ MUSINGS OF A (FINANCIALLY) ILLITERATE FATHER ” MUSING 12: UNDERSTAND ASSETS AND LIABILITIES I will begin this post with my impassioned plea - please keep sharing these posts with your near and dear ones especially young adults, for these are a run up to my book, “Musings of a (financially) illiterate father, likely to be in your hands by mid-July. The book has been specially written to teach the alchemy of wealth creation and retention to our children and they deserve to learn it. This week, I was to cover my experiences in the world of publishing but have decided to postpone it a bit as my book is still being edited with other associated publishing activities in advance stages. In a couple of weeks, as the book reaches "four weeks to go" mark, I think I will be in a better position to share my experiences. This week I will instead cover a very important topic which is a sine-qua-non for our children to understand, the ear...