MUSING 41 BHARAT BOND ETF: WORTH YOUR INVESTMENT? The New Fund Offer (NFO) of Bharat Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE) Bond ETF was launched a few days back by the Government. The intention of the government is to raise about Rs 10,000 crore through this ETF. The ETF is mandated to invest in the bonds issued by the CPSU, CPSE, Central Public Financial Institutions (CPFI) or other government organisations. We have seen the crisis in the debt market over the last 18 months or so which still continues unabated. Forget about the coupons, the investors are finding that even their principal protection is at risk. At this juncture, the launch of this bond ETF is an interesting phenomenon which the common investors like you and me should watch closely. This post is meant to provide you with necessary inputs pertaining to this ETF for you to make a considered investing decision. But before we do that a bit of update on my both the books. Musings of a Financially Illiterate...