What follows in this Blog?
this is not a Musing but just a post to update the readers about what is going
to follow in the Blog. This very obvious lacuna, which I had not realized till
today, was pointed out by a friend and I am thankful to him. I am outlining the
broad topics that I intend covering in the subsequent musings, the sequence of
which may vary. Of course, based on your feedback, I’ll keep adding more topics
as we traverse this journey together. So here we go.
1. Don’t Ever Save.
2. The Eighth Wonder of the World-Compound
3. Spending-Investing Balance.
4. Understanding Assets and Liabilities.
5. The Latte Factor-cutting out wasteful
6. Understand your Credit Cards.
7. Good and Bad debts including debt thumb
8. Creating Breathing Fund-so that you sleep
9. Am I on track financially- Some important
financial Ratios?
10. Where do you invest? - The Asset Classes.
11. Modern Portfolio Theory-its practical usage
for a common investor.
12. The Assets mix-Diversification.
13. The Masters are Calling-Some model Asset
allocation strategies.
14. Investing in Real Estate.
15. Investing in Gold.
16. Equity Investing.
(a) Direct
Stock Picking-a minefield best avoided.
(b) Equity
Mutual Funds-are these the panacea?
(c) Passive
investing-Index funds.
(d) ETF.
(e) Global
Exposure-acres of diamonds.
(f) Selection
of equity Mutual Funds.
17. Debt Investing.
(a) Fixed
Income Instruments.
(b) Understanding
(c) Debt
Mutual Funds.
(d) Selection
of Debt Mutual Funds.
(e) A
new paradigm of investing.
18. The puzzle of Returns on investment-a
19. Rebalancing the Portfolio.
20. Saving for children education.
21. Saving for retirement.
22. Risk Management-Insurance.
23. Tackling Debt-the baby steps method.
24. Pension and Annuity management.
25. Tax Management.
26. The ART of creating wealth.
me sign off by saying that I am overwhelmed by the response to the blog which
proves that we, the common investors are craving for easy to use investment
sign off for today by acknowledging that you have extremely busy schedules and
hence may not be able to spare time during weekdays. So, I’ll be sending
2*blogs over the weekend for your consumption.
ever, I am eagerly waiting for your feedback to improve further.
next blog will be on “Spending-Investing” balance.
Hello sir ,
ReplyDelete"a relation between emotional intelligence and financial prosperity". whether this issue can also be covered or does it have any relevance.
Hi Manu, of course emotional intelligence has a lot to do with personal finance. As a famous financial author says, "personal finance is 80% behaviour and 20% head knowledge", which included both IQ and EQ. I will be covering this issue as we go along.
ReplyDeleteThanks for following.
thank you sir for your positive response. would you please suggest me any good book on Emotional Intelligence.
ReplyDeleteHi Manu, "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman is the pioneering work in this field. Do read it. He has subsequently written more books on this subject like "Working with emotional Intelligence" and "Social Intelligence". Happy reading.
Deletethank you sir